Sunday, June 14, 2009


I am sitting for my paeds exam next week. After spending 4 weeks of blurring in the wards & daydreaming in class ... you would think that I would spend this last weekend doing some heavy duty revision.

But no! I have been wasting this precious 48 hours away ...

I can't seem to concentrate. Every 30 minutes of study, I am checking my mail, surfing the web, lying on my bed, day dreaming, reading a book ...

Anyone has any tips?


chua said...

sound like someone in love. to cure the illness, we need to know the cause. so far we only hear of the symptons. dr need more details before can Rx.

beddi said...

I'm having the same problem. And exam this thursday. Stress! All the best for your exam :)

djun said...

Debbi: all the best! we sama-sama stress!!

chua: ... i've no reply to that ... :P

Cynthia said...

I am always always forever in that situation.. if you found a solution to that please enlighten me....