Sunday, December 21, 2008

Balancing act

Since our days in primary school, we have always been encouraged to participate in co-curriculum activities. This of course actually means any educational activity not taken in a class room. Currently, it is defined as any activity taken outside my current course study guide.

My stand was to always stick to curriculum. After all, the grade in the classroom are what will take you to the next stage. This fact is indisputable. Moreover, I am the kind of person that enjoys sitting in a classroom with well defined guide to the next step. All that is required is to keep following instructions.

However, I, now, realize the down fall of such a comfortable life. Namely, social ties. Yes, everyone in the same class can talk about the lesson learnt on that day but truthfully, nobody wants to be constantly reminded of the feeling of unworthiness in class. So, we socialize about our activities outside of class. This became my pitfall in socializing skills (only realized it in secondary school days!)
So, I decided the old me has to go out the window! I learnt to participate in more co-curriculum activity. I did not feel more popular but rather I felt more at ease when talking to other people. However, coincidentally or otherwise, my grades began to fall. I found it difficult to maintain a high level of education or so said, curriculum.

Hence, this brings me to where I had began in this post. One life is with academic excellence but to be viewed as a solitary person. Unsociable. On the other hand, to be able to laugh with one's friends but to allow grades to slip. Can both this lives be balanced? Sigh.

Perhaps one day it will balance out but I feel that such an opinion is but a fairy tale. After all, life is never so simple. Maybe anyone out there has some advice for me?

PS: If you find this post a little contradictory and going in endless circles, it's okay :P That is how I felt. I am very sure no real answer lies out there but rather this is just to vent frustration at the lack of control of my life. Life was just meant to be a balancing act.


beddi said...

Hey djun! Haha. You did a good job holding your post as the ball president last time whilst trying to study for all the eos and stuff right? I think it's never easy, but still achievable :) Hope you're doing fine in seremban :)

matt said...

there is no ideal situation. we all have 24 hrs . how we spent it depends on our priority.

Remember the law of choice.

our greatest power is the power to choose. we can decide where we are,what we do,or what we think,

No one can take the power to choose away fr us. It is ours alone.

we can do what we want to do
we can be who we want to be

The choice is yours.

The important factor is we must enjoy doing it and be HAPPY.

Psychologist said "3 factors " that make us happy

1. when we found love (including loving yr parents )
2.looking forward to an event eg going for a movie at the end of the week, or a holiday or helping some patients etc,etc..
3.look at challenges with the end results in mind. when you see positive outcome or the rewards at the end of will alawys come true !!!!...and you will be happy.