Thursday, May 27, 2010

Decision thoughts ...

I was listening to the radio last night ... a matter of making decision was debated on. The response was "I will plan after the decision has been made." Now, I am no expert or wise person, but I have been riddled with this statement for quite the better half of the night.

Making a decision involves many people contrary to popular belief. The person making the decision, the people involved in the decision, the people supporting the people involved in the decision, the people surrounding this people who are supporting the people in the decision ... I always believed in planning as far as the eyes can see. No doubt we cannot predict everything that is going to happen (no crystal ball strong enough for the predictions) but I always feel compelled to prepare as many safety nets as possible. To always be as considerate as possible to the people involved in the decision - directly or not directly.

On the other hand, I realise that the personal choice to dive and test the swimming ability later, is a popular choice. These people say

"I will learn to swim once I am in the water"
"If there is a shark in the water, I will deal with it if it comes"
"Swim how long? Till I am tired, I guess?"

I am a cautious pessimistic person in all that respect. However, I noticed that these people take life in stride better than I do. Life is an open field to play in - unlike for me - it is a maze with multiple choices and no U-turn signs. Perhaps I need to learn to dive to. To take the first step and play it as it comes. Perhaps.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Teach? Lecture?

I have worked with a variety of people before. However, my experience is neither extensive nor complete. I have realised the qualities that have made people who they are. Many of them I look up to and hope to emulate some of their characteristics.

Qualities I want (or rather hope to have) check list ... Ref:

There is a VERY long list of qualities that make a person great but the quality of motivation hit home recently. I don't have a boss (simply because I don't work :D), but I have worked in teams under various leadership before. I have met many bosses (to use the term loosely for team leaders ...) that demoralise the team. Be it that they are thinking of reverse psychology to motivate or that they are just grumpy people to begin with ... they are a reality and are every where.

On the other hand, there are leaders that spark the fire of passion! An example which I will be always grateful for was the medical student conference team I was in last year. My boss (actually, my good friend, K) gave the job of doing the conference magazine to me. First, let me clarify that I am not creative (graphically or text wise), I have no experience in magazine works and I certainly am not patient when it comes to my boss's whims and fancies of pages. I muttered under my breath for the few months that I had to do the job. However, every time I attend our meetings with K, somehow ... be it his words, presence, patients, or spiking my drink ... I always feel motivated to carry on the job. In the end, I am very proud of the work I did for the magazine (self praise is no praise ... I know :P). I will always be grateful for his power to convince me to strive! Thanks boss!

Truly, I am a believer of the power to motivate and not demoralise others. Hopefully, I can do the same to others :D

To my parents, especially to my mummy (as it is Mother's day), thank you. For all the times I said I can't and you said I could. I has always been a blessing to have my own cheer leading team, be it only a one person team! Will always love the fire you have lit in me.