I have finished my 4 minor postings of semester 8: Ophthalmology, Accident & Emergency, Dermatology and Ear, Nose & Throat.
My thoughts?
Ophthalmology? It was interesting staring into people's eyes. It was also fulfilling to finally be able to see the optic disc somewhere other than the books :D Thank you Dr P and Dr K for teaching us. However, I don't think I will see it as a career :P I can recognize normal - and that is the limit of my ability. Plus, I don't have the patience to read all the disease's in the book :D

Accident & Emergency? It was a very very scary posting but a practical one. One has got to learn the trade or else there I will be no use in an actual setting :D It is important to declare that my group were the angel's of A&E. it is true than in the 2 weeks, no one (and I mean it literally from morning sessions to night on call) we did not see ANY intubation, resuscitation or patient who has passed away. The only exception was the last group on call if I am not mistaken. So, we are not to be blamed :P Haha if this could be scientifically proven, we would all be hired to sit in the department just to ensure the safety of the patients :D

Dermatology? I am 100% that I will not be doing speciality in this posting. Don't get me wrong. Dr N, Dr P, Dr I and Kak N were smashing. But, to me, all skin lesions look the same. Please don't ask me to tell the difference. For that matter, in the exam, one of the questions asked for underlying conditions that could be possible ... I answered everything (every disease that I could write in the short 5 minutes). So, I guess that career died before it started :P
Ear, Nose & Throat? This posting was much better. Thank you Prof E. However, 2 weeks to finish 3 anatomy has sent my head in twirls ... But I did get to see audiometry testing in action. It felt rewarding to see patients be fitted for hearing aid or to receive speech therapy. Hmm, quite touching.

However, on the whole, the postings were too specialized. Without a deeper interest, it really was just like blowing through each postings. Hopefully, I can catch up with all the reading during my selective and elective posting (yeah, yeah, I am just saying this to comfort myself but the books are more likely to just gather dust for 2 months :D)
1 comment:
ENT was the best for meeeee wheee!~
merry xmas n a happy new year dear de jun!!!
its good to be back in the blogosphere and i see im not missing much from YOUR blogg.. UPDATE MORE OFTEN!!! :D
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