Thursday, October 2, 2008

In Seremban...

This post is a few weeks over due ... but ... ah well, maybe I can tell a better picture after 3 weeks of IMU-CS :D

Firstly, the personal transition from home to out on my own. My family has been ever so supportive. My big bro left for UK before, so, I was bombarded with all the advice possible on Earth :P All preparation for feeling home sick was addressed a few weeks even before I left home. Hehe. I never had the time or chance to be unprepared! Thanks!

As for study wise ... I had a true culture shock. The hours and stuff expected of us kinda hit me hard. The expected knowledge that is to be at fingertips. The self planning of limitless knowledge. The preparation that has to be made before every class. Sigh. I felt like a little box going round and round the whirlpool!!!

Honestly, I think my first reaction was to pack my stuff and run!! I mean it was overwhelming and I just couldn't see where the road was heading!! I wasted a lot of opportunity that was given to me. I was too busy being miserable and wondering how I was going to survive. After having a lot of good advice (acknowledgement to Mum, Kj, JL, Dr IC, Dr N <>)

I have decided to take on IMU-CS with a new resolution. I need to put on more make up. (To dare and make mistake, to dare for people to laugh at me). I need more courage. (my apologize to all the people who had to suffer from my cowardice) (I need to more faith in myself that I can actually pass clinical school). My hope is that both this resolution will carry me through this 2 and half years. Maybe there will be times of falter but perhaps maybe the road has just been paved. Que sera sera ...

1 comment:

~*eley *~ said...

de junnnnn!!! :D i'll follow u back on sunday ok? btw, u never comment on my blog wan.. not fair *pouts* hehe. oh, pls ask wei chun to let me read his blog oso!!!